Friday, June 25, 2010

U Inspire Me

Readers i feel very proud to present this post. 

Immaculately dressed as always,she arrives at our home at 7:30am,seven days a week.If we aren't in-we trust her completely-she has a spare key.Her stylish attire and humble behaviour belie the fact that she gets very little sleep and has been working at other houses and her own ,since 4:00am.Pratima Hazra,38,is our maid.
She has been our maid for the past five years,from the time we have shifted to our new home.She is a true
depiction of hope ,hard work , simplicity and triumph.She is my best friend(i call her "Pishi")-lending her ears to every shit that i share with her.She offers practical solutions-much better than what we come across in
solutions corners of magazines,newspapers,internet,and television shows.She always wears an everlasting smile belying the fact that she toils hard every second to make both ends meet.

She is a mother of 2 daughters,1 son and has two grandkids.Walking in,pishi starts on with her 'routine' work
of  cleaning utensils ,sweeping ,mopping ,washing clothes and other works that my mother asks for.She tells,"I treat every home as my very own" which very well gets expressed through her gentle behaviour and mannerisms.She never forgets to switch off the fans and lights before she leaves any room and often scolds me when i forget to do the same.She makes me understand that my father's hard earned money should not be wasted-she is no one of my kith and kin,yet it is her behaviour that makes us feel she is our very own.

Pishi's own life has been a hard one.She was married at 12 to a man who has been in and out of work.Though pishi slogs away without a day's break,he's is thoroughly oblivion,returning heavily drunk every single day wasting pishi's money.Pishi gets beaten up every day by him yet hardly relates her anxiety and sorrow to others."I want my son to grab a job and get settled so that he can be married,"she says.But her son,never bothered to complete school-pishi's strongest regret.

After working 17 hours a day,she returns home tired.Her husband and son returns late,so it will be 11pm before she has her own dinner, and past midnight before she gets any rest.But she is too buy too realize what a difference she is making-she's one of the countless woman who toils hard to keep their families happily together.You are an inspiration pishi.

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