Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Miles Between Us.......

I want to hold your hands and walk distant miles,
Resting my head on your shoulders,
Want to share with you every bit of mine.
But distance is what refrains me from doing so.

I want you to hear everything i have to say,
For you are the one who can make my happiness grow and keep my sadness away,
I close my eyes and blabber stuff hogwash into your ears,
And then open my eyes to see that you were nowhere there.

My heart writhes in pain when i think of those days,
When you used to hold me tight and set every wrong thing right,
When you used to caress my hair just to make me realize that the 'world' is fair,
Sweetheart, when will those days come back again?

Loneliness grips me amidst huge crowds,
Incessant tears burns my eyes and rolls down,
I know you could have never seen me cry...
But ,hey what happened that now that's only a lie?

I wait for those few moments when i see you smile,
And  i get to surrender myself into thine.
But within minutes reality creeps in and time calls us to be distant again,
Then I hold you tight to stop you from leaving me again...

I know the distance bleeds you from within,
But dear we know that our soul is one and can never take part in ripping.
Let us fight time for God wants us to do so,
And my tryst with you will forever continue.......


  1. Abhishek TarafdarMay 19, 2010 at 6:13 AM

    A very touching poem to me. Love you a lot......................
